Title: Julie and Julia: 365
Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen
Author: Julie Powell
Pages: 320
Publisher: Little, Brown and
ISBN: 978-0316109697
A few
years ago, my husband and I watched the Nora Ephron movie
mostly because I liked Amy Adams from Enchanted.
I was hooked on learning more about Julia Child's life, as I found
Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci's interpretation of Julia and Paul
Child's marriage fascinating. I picked up Julia Child's memior My
Life in France and
really enjoyed hearing, in her own voice, about Julia's experience
living and learning cooking in France. However, when I looked at
reviews of Julie Powell's book Julie
and Julia, the
reviews were uneven and many complained about the whiny and profane
manner of Powell's writing. When I happened to stumble on the audio
version, that was even read by Powell, I figured I would give it a
me, the main theme was Powell's desire to make a mark on the world or
at least find meaning in her own life. That does seem to parallel
Julia Child's experiences in France. Other than her husband Paul,
Julia Child had not found her passion or niche in life until she
began taking cooking classes in France. Julie Powell, an unfulfilled
actress and daytime secretary, was looking for the same thing. Her
vow to cook all 524 recipes in Child's first book, Mastering
the Art of French Cooking while
blogging about it, gave Powell a sense of purpose and eventually,
accomplishment. Her blog gathered a loyal following and toward the
end of the year project, Powell was featured on talk shows and in
print, which eventually led to a book deal. Drawing on her blog, but
re-interpreting the year, Powell recounts the struggle to find
obscure ingredients, master time-consuming cooking techniques, and
the multiple melt downs as she contemplates hitting age 30 without
anything to show for it.
think what drew a lot of readers to the book was this sense that we
all want to make our mark on the world. Each individual life can
seem petty, like the scene in Joe
Verses the Volcano
when all the
workers file into the gray office building to do their
lowly jobs in gray, windowless rooms. I think we all strive to stand
out, be meaningful or at least recognized by more than our small
circle of family and friends. There is debate about if Powell
started the blog as a “stunt” for publicity, but even if she did,
the dedication to learning antiquated French cooking techniques and
religiously blogging about it was more than a passing publicity
stunt. As for Julia Child, maybe she didn't intentionally set out to
shake up the cooking world, but when opportunities for more books and
TV deals came up, she took them and became known around the world. I
found it greatly ironic that Julia Child may have thought Julie
Powell was “not a serious cook” and a bit irreverent, when what
I've read about Julia Child indicated she was called the same thing
when she began cooking on TV. A few years ago, Gourmet
magazine made a list of 50 Woman Game-Changers in food – Julia was
number 1, Julie was number 50, but she made the list.
the end, the book is about finding the things that feed your soul,
when life's banalities seem to loom large. And for feeding their souls, French food, for both Julia and Julie, was the answer.
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